Gallup's StrengthsFinder helps people discover their unique combination of strengths assists them in being more engaged, more productive, and happier. The science of strengths is based on over 50 years of research that has resulted in the StrengthsFinder assessment and a handful of bestselling books. GoForth Consulting has assembled a team of experienced StrengthsFinder coaches who can train your organization to be more effective through the creation of a strengths culture. Our interactive workshops will set the stage for your organization's members to soar, leveraging their strengths and thriving as a team. Think of gears working together and the compounding force of productivity.

Gordon Flinn is the president of GoForth consulting. His extensive leadership and management experience in transportation, financial services, fundraising, and higher education provide a baseline for his rapidly growing consulting company. While his focus is largely on developing leaders and strategic planning, he finds that incorporating StrengthsFinder training into his consulting approach results in greater effectiveness of desired outcomes. Gordon has focused on Emotional Intelligence as it applies to the success of educational leaders as he works on completing his doctorate degree in Organizational Leadership. Gordon’s top 5 Strengths are Arranger, Maximizer, Positivity, Strategic and Responsibility.